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Tuesday, July 31st, 2018    Culture
Debate: Is Islam a Religion of Peace?

It’s easy believing that Islam is a religion of peace. After all, our Muslim friends and neighbors share a similar way of life, and share our values. Imams visit our churches (and vice versa) to share common bonds of humanity.

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MultimediaAction Opportunities

Wednesday, September 28th, 2016    Culture
We Can Protect Freedom AND Defeat Terror

The attacks in America on September 11th ignited an era of extreme reaction, still reverberating today.

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MultimediaAction Opportunities

Saturday, October 11th, 2014    Culture
Malala Wins Nobel Prize

The little girl who was shot point blank by the Taliban as she rode a bus home from school in Pakistan is now a sixteen-year-old Nobel Prize winner.

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MultimediaAction Opportunities

Thursday, September 4th, 2014    Art, Culture
JFK: On the Role of the Artist

For inspiration, there’s nothing quite like hearing John F. Kennedy. If you’re an artist, or simply appreciate art, listen to this 1963 SPEECH that JFK delivered at Amherst College, Massachusetts, honoring the poet Robert Frost.

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MultimediaAction Opportunities

Saturday, August 30th, 2014    Art, Culture
Enhanced Interrogation

The Aftermath

The Bush era calls for continuing reflection, not the least of which, about the Enhanced Interrogation Techniques implemented by the CIA to break down detainees during the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. The complex arguments for and against the program are clarified in this stirring 2009 testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Now five years old, this video is as fresh as ever.

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MultimediaAction Opportunities

Tuesday, December 10th, 2013    Culture
Nelson Mandela

Father of South Africa

The entire country of South Africa seems to be united in mourning with the passing of their “father,” Nelson Mandela. Mandela’s life, decency and leadership skills recall what we’ve all heard about keeping the courage of our convictions. This was a person who encountered and withstood severe pressures along the way to become the towering figure we know him as today.

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MultimediaAction Opportunities

Thursday, July 4th, 2013    Culture
Independence Day

Remembering Thomas Jefferson and John Adams

Independence Day invites reverence for our founders, as well as our freedoms. Somewhat under the radar is one poignant story concerning two of them: Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. They each signed the Declaration of Independence, were political friends turned political enemies, and both died the same year –on the same exact day, which happened to be July 4th.

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MultimediaAction Opportunities

Thursday, June 13th, 2013    Art, Culture
Art of the Middle East

Another Side of the Story

We are so used to the socio-political matters of the Middle East, we seldom stop to wonder about its artists and creators. This must-see blog is refreshingly devoted to brilliant artists, curators and exhibitions from Abu Dhabi and Amman to Tehran and Zurich.

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MultimediaAction Opportunities

Thursday, January 10th, 2013    Art, Culture
Malala of Pakistan

15-Year-Old Fights for Girls Education

The Simone de Beauvoir Prize for Women’s Freedom was awarded to 15-year-old Malala Yousafzai, whose blog for the BBC earned her a bullet in the head from the Taliban in Pakistan. I found an amazing VIDEO of her story, and how her father’s school stood strong in the Swat Valley, while living under the terror of the Taliban.

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MultimediaAction Opportunities

Sunday, January 6th, 2013    Culture
National Defense Authorization Act

What We Don't See is Already Hurting Us

For the last two years, in 2012 and 2013, The National Defense Authorization Act has included language that puts our constitutional rights at risk. The sections in question grant extraordinary latitude to the executive, who may choose at any time to undermine the rights of American citizens.

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MultimediaAction Opportunities

Creative action is the fundamental key to innovation in all fields of endeavor. It has opened the common gateway to remarkable cultural achievements since antiquity. Our complex daily lives are bombarded by stories of what is broken. News of what is not working in our society often trumps what is actually making a difference. This Blog is dedicated to creative action that endures through resistance to spawn positive change. We seek to inspire: to create gateways to new visions, aspirations and solutions. Meet the creative agents of global change.

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