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Wednesday, May 30th, 2012    Culture
The End of War-2 (Contours Podcast)

How Could War Truly End?

Humankind created war, and is therefore capable of ending it. This is the daring theme of science scholar John Horgan’s new book, “The End of War.” In Part 1 of my podcast interview with Horgan, he discussed evidence that human warfare has existed for only the last ten thousand years: a blip on the historical screen of human history.

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MultimediaAction Opportunities

Wednesday, May 30th, 2012    Culture
The End of War-1 (Contours Podcast)

Scientific Evidence for an Uncommon View

Most of us perceive warfare as the single-most horrific tool employed by nations in the settling of disputes. But how often do we hear convincing counter-narratives that offer hope for a better way? Listen to my interview with scholar John Horgan, author of “The End of War” to hear a unique perspective on cultural evolution, and his conclusion that a warless future could be humanity’s next step.

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MultimediaAction Opportunities

Creative action is the fundamental key to innovation in all fields of endeavor. It has opened the common gateway to remarkable cultural achievements since antiquity. Our complex daily lives are bombarded by stories of what is broken. News of what is not working in our society often trumps what is actually making a difference. This Blog is dedicated to creative action that endures through resistance to spawn positive change. We seek to inspire: to create gateways to new visions, aspirations and solutions. Meet the creative agents of global change.

Contours Podcast:

Listen to engaging conversations with Creative Voices Defining Global Change...
The Contours podcast is produced by this blog and accompanies these posts.

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