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Tuesday, December 10th, 2013    Culture
Nelson Mandela

Father of South Africa

The entire country of South Africa seems to be united in mourning with the passing of their “father,” Nelson Mandela. Mandela’s life, decency and leadership skills recall what we’ve all heard about keeping the courage of our convictions. This was a person who encountered and withstood severe pressures along the way to become the towering figure we know him as today.

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MultimediaAction Opportunities

Creative action is the fundamental key to innovation in all fields of endeavor. It has opened the common gateway to remarkable cultural achievements since antiquity. Our complex daily lives are bombarded by stories of what is broken. News of what is not working in our society often trumps what is actually making a difference. This Blog is dedicated to creative action that endures through resistance to spawn positive change. We seek to inspire: to create gateways to new visions, aspirations and solutions. Meet the creative agents of global change.

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