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Cultural Rights / Dignity and Empowerment / Environment / Inter-Cultural Communication / Freedom Issues / Friends of Gateways To Action
Cultural Rights:
Cultures on the Edge:
Steve McCurry’s blog and gallery about vanishing peoples and their livelihoods.
Dignity and Empowerment:
Kids with Cameras:
Organization teaching the art of photography to marginalized children around the world.
A micro-lending website, alleviating poverty by empowering global entrepreneurs Room To Read:
Partners with world communities to provide schools and education to children.
Ted Turner Foundation:
Makes grants in the areas of environment and population
Inter-Cultural Communication:
Daniel Pearl Foundation:
Promotes cross-cultural understanding through journalism and music.
Alliance of Civilizations:
An initiative of the UN Secretary-General for cooperation among nations
U.S. Muslim Engagement Project:
Initiative formed to reduce extremism in relations between the U.S. and key Muslim countries
East West Institute:
A global organization forging collective action for a safer and better world
Freedom Issues:
Online journal devoted to the principles of equality, democracy and human rights
Pen American Center:
Writers working to advance literature and protect freedoms
American Freedom Campaign:
Works to insure justice and prevent abuses of executive power